Friday, September 5, 2008

Friends and Acquaintance's

We all have them but which are which? To me a friend is someone that you know not someone you just met. In sl we have all had people that offer friendship on first meeting I'm sure. I know I have. I politely tell them that I like to get to know someone before I consider them a friend.

Isnt this why we have calling cards? Little used little known things in your inventory that you have no idea what they are for.

In sl this is the distinction between friends and acquaintance's. You keep your friends on your friend's list and your acquaintance's in your calling card folder.

Often when someone I meet offers friendship I will politely decline and offer a calling card instead. This still allows them to contact you but doesn't fill up your friend's list with people that 3 months later you are asking yourself who is this person.

This is just my take on it but I haven't seen anyother reason for calling cards. So next time you start to offer someone that you just met your friendship you might reconsider and offer them your calling card instead.

For me being a new citizen helper at NCI, I like to be able to give a calling card to all the new people I help so if they have any questions when they are not at NCI they can still give me a call and ask. This I don't mind at all but if I were to offer or accept friendship with all of them my friends list would soon be out of control. So I keep my friends list for my friends.

So don't be put out if you offer me friendship and I decline, its just that I would like to get to know you better before I will consider you a friend, but I am more than happy to exchange calling cards.

Ok, I forgot to tell you HOW to give a calling card. It's just as easy as adding a friend. Click on the person and in the pie chart click on "more" then click "give card". That's all there is to it now they have your calling card. That is , of course, if they accept it.

There is also one more thing about calling cards. Unlike your friends list, you can organize them any way you want. Want to seperate business contacts from personal contacts? Ma a folder for each and move the appropriate calling cards into the folders. Viola, now you don't have to look through so many to find what you want.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I didn't know that about the calling cards!! I seem to have calling cards from all my friends. I didn't realize that I had a calling card I could offer or that I could ask for a card instead of friendship. Neat piece of information Mala!!!