Wednesday, August 27, 2008

It's about time Mala

Well, I guess it is about time I start putting something down about my wonderful Second Life.

My name is Malaita Karu, pronounced Mala - eeta (all short a's)

but most people call me Mala. If you see me say hi.

I was "born" into my Second Life on July 13, 2008

Ok where to begin?

I came to Second Life on the suggestion of a friend. I was off of work with an injury and was getting a little stir crazy. She told me I should try it and because I love to be creative that I should learn learn learn. Learn to build, learn to script, learn everything. I love to learn.

At help island I learned about NCI - New Citizens, Inc. A place designed for "newbies" in mind. So I went there. I went to the part of NCI called NCI - Beach. Well I have always loved the beach so that is the one I went to.

It was amazing! The people there were great and so helpful. They helped me learn simple things like how to sit. I know but its not quite like sitting in "first life" or "real life" as it is called. NCI also has classes on everything. How to function in SL (Second Life), building, scripting, making clothes. Well I knew this was my kind of place right away.

I started taking the classes and I found a nice sandbox ( a place open to the public where one can practice building things ) called Dreams Sandbox. I would take a class and then go to the sandbox and practice practice practice!

Well to make a long story short so far I have taken 35 classes, not all of them at NCI, there are many places that have classes.

During this time I spent a lot of time at NCI - Beach hanging out with the NCI "helpers" people that voluntarily hang out at NCI - beach to help newbies adjust to SL, answering questions and giving out information. NCI helpers are wonderful people. Jordana, Gideon, Suki, Chris, Luna, and many more, you are wonderful people. I love you all and can never thank you enough for the help and friendship you have shown me.

Well of course I felt overwhelmed and wanted to give back to NCI what NCI had done for me. Jordana, thank you especially for making me an NCI helper to. Now I can help newbies learn a little about SL and give back a little of the help and friendship that was given to me. It is wonderful to be able to help.

When I first came to SL I had no idea what to expect. I didn't dream one could meet such wonderful people let alone fall in love. Yes, I sure did. Suki, you are my heart.

My SL family now includes many wonderful people. In addition to the ones mentioned above there is Aaronson and Issy, Ahuva, Annabell, Oura, Chadd, Cheeky, and several more.

I love Second Life and my Second Life family.

Well I guess that is enough babbling for now. The grid is down and I can't log on. I hate when that happens. I'll be in world just as soon as I can get there, hope I see you there.